Friday, February 13, 2009

First Date...

Karen and I were intruders of some kind last Saturday when Jadon and Amanda had what seemed like a great "first date" I mean Jadon and Amanda go on all sorts of adventures, but this one was pretty special. There were even somewhat dressed alike (not planned at all!!) in brown/blue stripes and pink/brown stripes.

Here they are cruising the Phx. Art Museum area after their 1st Play... "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" was playing at the Phx. Theatre's Children's Theatre. They were both so good and a great time was had by all.

There are more showings of this fun play tomorrow (Valentine's Day), they added 2 more shows b/c it was so popular.

Jadon is still talking about how the "mouse" climbed up the fridge to scotch tape her picture. It was a great play and brought back fun memories of taking my class from Mirada there many, many years ago!!!!


Candis said...

That is adorrrable!

PageOne said...
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PageOne said...

very cute, but baby cadence wanted me to inform amanda that jadon is spoken for!