Jadon is on a roll today...he has been "on his game" since 5:30 a.m. and I don't want to forget the funny things he has said today... So here goes.... Enjoy!
Jadon watches me use the remote control and he asks "Are you looking for me or for you?" I tell him, for me and he pouts!! Then, I turn on the TV and explain that today is an important day, that our country is getting a new President today. He climbs up on the red benches and says, "We're getting a present today!!!" No, Jadon...not a present, a President...
Clip comes on of Barack Obama and I show him... This is the new President of the United States, Barack Obama. Jadon replies with his head shaking and doing his I'm full of attitude voice... "What are you talking about Bamack Ottatta"
He is obviously bored by this, so we're off to build the Train tracks of the day...its a good one today...bridges and tunnels, lots of twists and connections! The battery operated James got batteries and is climbing the Polar Express Mountain on his track...Jadon is in love... but then he is bored again and I'm watching the TV, feeling like I guess I should watch this historic day...
So he comes into the family room and uses one of my lines on ME!!! I've got to come up with some new ones...and fast!! He says "Mom, you are just not cooperating, I'm going to have to turn off the TV.... you're just not listening, Mom" Then grins and smiles and how can I not crack up at how funny he is!!!
Later on rushing out the door to the gym...in the car, trying to get to spin class. Jadon announces "Mom, I just dropped my grapes, they fell on the floor and now they are dirty" "I'll just tell my friends about that at childcare, ok Mom" Sounds like a great conversation starter... Jadon tells me no one talks to him at the childcare, I find that hard to believe...but it makes me a tiny bit sad. If he would just leave the TV in the "baby room" and go play on the slides, I'm sure kids are older and more talkative there... oh well....He loves going there and told me today he had fun sliding with a friend names RJ. He talks about an RJ a lot, but I think it might be an imaginary friend!! More disappointment, he couldn't find the bucket with his favorite trains at the gym today... He's probably still wondering about the "present"
Then we're off to Kohl's, last day of a sale, I tell Jadon that I have a 30% off coupon and I want some new socks. He announces to me that he is going to find some boobies at Kohl's. Jason took him to Kohls's last week one night...so I have to dig a little further into this.... He keeps talking about boobies and he is laughing at himself. Then, he says... "You know what I'm talking about Mom, the boobie holders, just like the ones I have at my house" "Jadon, those are called bras" Got it...Jadon likes the bra section at Kohl's... Daddy is teaching him well and well...Mommy's just trying to keep up!
Slow Start
1 week ago
BEST POST EVER. Seriously- Boobies!? I'm dying here.
Soooooo Funny!!! You will have to do a post when you find out more about the Boobies!!
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